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Jara Floral International Corp.


From its beginnings in 2005 to now things have changed quite dramatically.

​In 2005 Raymond Oosterveld along with his father John Oosterveld started a tulip forcing operation. From there Raymond married Sheryl and are now a family of 4 with their two daughters, Olivia and Emily. ​

Sales began to increase in 2006 and since then our facility has expanded each season to match our continued demand. ​

2008: Expansion of our greenhouse and rooting room facilities

​2009: Expansion of our production hall

​2010: Expansion of our greenhouse

​2012: Expansion of our bulb storage facility​

2013: Improved irrigation and automation controls​2014: Addition to our packing storage area and bulk wood storage for our biomass boiler​

2015: Addition to our packing hall cooler

​2016: An administration building and work shop area was added​

2017: Increase in our irrigation capacity and greenhouse area to make way for 30% increase in production ​

2018: Expansion of our flower cooler​

2019: Assisted in the development of the FMA Flower Sensors.​

yellow tulip.avif
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